24 Jan 2007

See also: IRC log


DanC, rreck, JohnClark, BrianM, briansuda, Ian_Davis, HarryH
Chime, Fabien, Murray



Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2007-01-23T11:00-0500

<DanC> minutes 17 Jan

<DanC> RESOLVED: to approve minutes 17 Jan

<DanC> Scribe: briansuda


<DanC> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1#base-param

<DanC> PROPOSED: to approve http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1#base-param , including ...

DanC: base-param 1.2

<DanC> baseURI.html:

<DanC> $Revision: 1.3 $

<DanC> baseURI.rdf revision 1.1 date: 2006/12/25 06:18:07

<DanC> baseURI.html 1.2 date: 2007/01/12 23:06:58

<DanC> 1.1 date: 2006/12/25 06:17:49 baseURI.xsl

<HarryH> Apologies for being a bit late - laptop still broken and therefore having to deal with total lack of Uni. infrastructure :)

<DanC> baseURI.rdf revision 1.1 date: 2006/12/25 06:18:07 has 2 triples, but only 1 seems licensed.

<DanC> proposal doesn't carry

<iand> hmmm

<DanC> ACTION: BrianM to fix baseURI.xsl, re-propose testlist1#base-param [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action01]


HarryH: 2 proposals

health warning about NS caching

<DanC> Wed, 24 Jan 2007 15:52:56 -0000

<HarryH> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Jan/0067.html

<HarryH> That's bwm

<DanC> "GRDDL aware agents therefore should retrieve such documents on every reference" missing a "not"?

DanC: this will end-up in appendix

<HarryH> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Jan/0041.html

<HarryH> That's Danja's

BrianM: caching implies keeping the original documented - not needed, just keep the reference

<DanC> (keeping information is caching, to me. but oh well.)

<HarryH> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-grddl-wg/2007Jan/0046.html

<HarryH> HarryH's added sentence.

BrianM: shouldn't pull the HTML ns 1000 times a sec

<danja> that's me

HarryH: the issue is to let the user turn off or on


DanC: this should be covered by bwm's proposal

BrianM: ... allow the memory to be disabled

<HarryH> I would add sentence

BrianM: is fine with 'memory' or 'cache'

<rreck> i like cache better than local memory

HarryH: is happy with either term

<iand> cache is good for me too

<HarryH> "The cache is a copy of the GRDDL Transformation in local memory"

<DanC> PROPOSED: to close #issue-html-nsdoc a la bwm's msg of 24 Jan 2007 15:52:56 -0000 with perhaps "cache" replacing "local memory" and with something about clearing the cache at user option

<iand> yes

<iand> fine by me


HarryH: does this also solve the issue with XML ns
... implication XHTML is not treated specially

unless specified


ian: almost ready to send something out later today

Test cases for GRDDL with XML documents

<DanC> ACTION: IanD to propose some details for GRDDL links in HTTP [CONTINUES] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action02]

[#issue-output-formats] whether GRDDL transformations may produce RDF in a format other than RDF/XML

DanC: Turtle MimeType test works

<DanC> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1#atomttl1

<HarryH> PROPOSAL: To approve test http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1#atomttl1

DanC: is happy with the progress
... no movement on getting mimetype registered


BrianM: what if mimetype is missing

DanC: N3 as output in test case

HarryH: RDF/XML XSLT 1.0 cases

GRDDL result does NOT have a correct media type

<DanC> "Ok, I'll take that action." -- bwm Wed, 24 Jan 2007 15:46:02 -0000

HarryH: Ben is happy to work on hGRDDL, but not part of GRDDL duties

<bwm> ACTION: bwm to produce a test case with GRDDL transforms on two different representations (HTML and SVG) of the same information resource. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action03]

DanC: 2 ways RDFa interacts with GRDDL

RDFa and input... and

GRDDL source doc is RDFa, RDFa -> RDF/xml

2nd way...

source doc, transformation creates RDFa as output... GRDDL agent knows about RDFa and gets graph from it

DanC: get a test or drop this


HarryH: ben need to pick this up, continue his action or drop this

BrianM: alot of implementation will fail this test case


HarryH: what is your opinion about test sweet about getting 2 different results
... should we pass Murry's action to someone else or give him one more week?

<DanC> danja, see section "Manifest Format" in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1

<danja> thanks!

<HarryH> Zakim open item 7

Primer Document

HarryH: john, any movement on HL7?

John: not at the moment

HarryH: DBooth wants a plain XML in use-case

DanC: we need to answer his comment

Danny: can create an Atom->RDF for the primer

HarryH: we have the HL7 and when we get the prose it should be fine

<HarryH> ACTION: IanD to sort out SPARQL Query. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action04]

HarryH: update jane's schedule to RDFa

DanC: worries about primer getting out of sync with RDFa, but that's life

Ian: is there a plain XML format for Calendaring?

<iand> what about http://xml.coverpages.org/iCal.html

<DanC> http://xml.coverpages.org/iCal.html

<DanC> yeah; that one

<HarryH> ACTION: Harry to add Jane schedule to RDFa [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action05]

GRDDL Spec: General issues

DanC: has made spec work progress

<HarryH> Meeting Adjourned

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: BrianM to fix baseURI.xsl, re-propose testlist1#base-param [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: bwm to produce a test case with GRDDL transforms on two different representations (HTML and SVG) of the same information resource. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Harry to add Jane schedule to RDFa [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: IanD to sort out SPARQL Query. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action04]
[PENDING] ACTION: IanD to propose some details for GRDDL links in HTTP [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/24-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/01/24 16:55:10 $