RE: #base-param testing

I don't really understand what meant by "documents named relative to the
transformed document can be created" in the context of GRDDL, so
couldn't see where, if anywhere, this is demonstrated.  
That isn't what it was intended to say - though the language is unclear.
It was intended to say that *references* to documents named relative to
given that one is transforming a source document
one can create a triple whose subject is with
something like
<rdf:Description rdf:about="bar">
in the transform
 However, the input file described above uses
grddl:transformation="glean_title.xsl", but Brian also provided a
variation. Changing the source doc to refer to
grddl:transformation="baseURI.xsl" ( baseURIb.html) I got a result
(baseURIb.rdf) additionally containing a statement :

xsl ">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

This demonstrates that triples relative to the transformation document
can also be generated. Cool trail ;-)  
Ah - exactly. 

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 2007 13:35:42 UTC