Re: Namespace document issues (multiple namespace transformations)

On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 10:50 +0200, Danny Ayers wrote:
> I think we probably need to include a sentence or two giving the
> options where more than one *different* transformations in the same
> domain are potentially available. For example, for Atom there's
> translation to AtomOWL and direct translation to RSS 1.0 (with the
> slightly ugly potential for multiple titles etc for the same item). I
> believe the assumption so far has been that there will only be one
> transformation named in the namespace doc, which seems reasonable for
> this iteration of the spec. But clarification is Good.

Again, if you think it's important to include a sentence or two,
please suggest actual text. We are the Working Group.

I think the best form of clarification in cases like these is
a test case. Are you interested to help put one together?

The spec already says:

"Note that an XHTML document may conform to a number of dialects
simultaneously and link to more than one decoding algorithm"

complete with a diagram showing how multiple transformations work.

The XML case is less elaborate, but it's there: "The value of the
grddl:transformation attribute designates a list of algorithms"

As to namespace transformations, GRDDL is specified declaratively:

      * the root element of an XML document ?XD is associated with a
        namespace name ?NS, and
      * ?NS identifies a document whose meaning includes the RDF
        statement { ?NS
        <> ?TX }
  * then ?TX is a transformation that preserves the meaning of ?XD

So if you bind ?NS to the Atom namespace document and find
two bindings for ?TX, then they both apply to all Atom documents.

[more on the other issues you raise separately; I prefer to
argue just one issue per messsage.]

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2006 12:45:17 UTC