GRDDL Working Group Meeting Aug 16 2006

16 Aug 2006


See also: IRC log


DanC, FabienGandon, bwm, chimezie, HarryH, +1.314.480.aacc, Brians, [IPcaller]
Rachael, BenA, Ian


Convene GRDDL WG meeting of 2006-08-16T15:00Z

<DanC> Regrets BenA

<DanC> GRDDL Working Group 2006-08-09 minutes

<HarryH> Approve meeting minutes?

RESOLUTION: Prior meeting minutes approved

Finding Best Time for Re-occuring Meetings

<DanC> considering 1600Z, noon ET

HarryH: Would noon work for people?

<DanC> PROPOSED: to meet again Wed, 23 Aug at 12pET unless WG members object by email, in which case we'll use 11am ET

RESOLUTION: to meet again Wed, 23 Aug at 12pET unless WG members object by email, in which case we'll use 11am ET

Use Cases, scenario gallery

HarryH: Too many usecases

<FabienGandon> here: http://www-sop.inria.fr/acacia/personnel/Fabien.Gandon/tmp/grddl/scenario-gallery.htm

chimezie: Is it always the case to not have specifics in a usecase

HarryH: Flesh out a bit more (4-5, perhaps)

DanC: No audience for GRDDL usecase document

DanC: break out usecase documents into specific audience

FabienGandon: should be more formal in approach and flesh out usecases some more.

<DanC> titles might be "getting data from HTML documents with GRDDL" and "Interoperable data with XML Schema with GRDDL"

HarryH: is nervous about breaking it out

<FabienGandon> Another example: OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements http://www.w3.org/TR/webont-req/

<HarryH> believes Fabien has written the microformat use case document and is quite happy with it but wants 4-5 as opposed to 8-9 use cases.

DanC: specific usecase generates creative commons metadata from OAI


<DanC> http://www.openarchives.org/

<scribe> ACTION: Address XML schema GRDDL usecase (interested parties) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action01]

chimezie: I think fewer usecases cover enough ground to make the general point

HarryH: consolidate microformat usecases

DanC: don't be too overzealous with consolidating usecases - focus on common scenarios

<DanC> well, I'm happy to consolidate; but I want to consolidate based on audience and area of applicaiton, not based on technical mechanism

<DanC> (I'm curious what Fabien uses to come up with such nice diagrams so quickly)

FabienGandon: Target RDF vocabulary for Wikis could accomodate 1) general wiki structure 2) domain keywords

FabienGandon: Better tagging of concepts. Dynamic reorganization by modifying underlying ontology associated with tagging semantics

<danja> (facetted browsing?)

<DanC> (hmm... I thought I grokked the wiki scenario, but with what chime said, I'm confused again.)

chimezie: Using RDF to drive organization of content is sort of an inverse of GRDDL extraction of RDF vocabulary from content

<HarryH> Thinks that we need to make the use cases simple and "for the people" as well as easy to implement.

<FabienGandon> A longer version of the scenario on Wikis: ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/acacia/fgandon/research/semwiki2006/BuffaGandon_SemWiki2006.pdf

<HarryH> Is very excited about the cutting-edge use cases but perhaps worried those may be over the head of some of our readers.

<DanC> (I think I'm starting to get the XForms case, but it sounds pretty involved)

<danja> (ref. for use case #3 - http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/blogs/gems/tech/rsd.html )

DanC: main motivation for whittling down usecases is to be able to elaborate on the ones we keep

HarryH: Focus on advocacy as criteria for yes/no on usecases

<scribe> ACTION: DanC as additional participant for usecase #1 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action02]

<scribe> ACTION: chimezie to help Fabien with usecase #2 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action03]

<DanC> I'm interested to mix #1, scheduling, with http://esw.w3.org/topic/SparqlCalendarDemo

<scribe> ACTION: Fabien and danja interested in helping with XForms usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action04]

DanC: Hotel reviews instead of guitar review? More bootstrapping data

<HarryH> definitely drop use case 7 - w3c index

<scribe> ACTION: Consolidate Wiki usecase, querying usecase and e-learning usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action05]

<briansuda> moodle & k-12

<DanC> ACTION: DanC to relate some e-learning pointers, e.g. http://moodle.org/ [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action06]

<scribe> ACTION: Drop usecase 7 (Digital libraries and focused indices) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action07]

FabienGandon: concerned about dropping usecase 7 - existing mechanism that can be improved

<danja> (count me in as a fallback sponsor for wiki/catalogue/e-learning merger)

FabienGandon: usecase titles shouldn't be too generic

<scribe> ACTION: Drop validation / testing usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action08]

<danja> (what he said - merge Atom/OWL into XForms)

<scribe> ACTION: danja & chimezie work on merging Atom/OWL usecase into XForms usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action09]

<danja> live bookmarks - probably need to check with Elias ?( or was it Lee?) on possible scenarios

<danja> I suggest tabling for now

<danja> [4] & [9] look the same..?

<danja> I missed discussion - isn't there mergeability with [1] and [6]

<DanC> Fabien: I'm out next week.

<DanC> ACTION: DanC to get CVS/ssh access for Fabien [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action10]

<danja> I will, if no-one else jumps forward

<DanC> (I also like mercurial/hg for decentralized version control, though I haven't deployed that in w3.org )

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Harry carry XML schema GRDDL usecase to later meetings [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: DanC as additional participant for usecase #1, scheduling [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: chimezie to help Fabien with usecase #2 (Wiki usecase) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: danja, fabien to consolidate wiki usecase, queury usecase, and e-learning usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action05]
[NEW] ACTION: DanC to relate some e-learning pointers, e.g. http://moodle.org/ [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action06]
[NEW] ACTION: DanC and Fabien to elaborate W3C /TR/ case [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action07]
[NEW] ACTION: Fabien to drop validation / testing usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action08]
[NEW] ACTION: danja & chimezie work on merging Atom/OWL usecase into XForms usecase [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/16-grddl-wg-minutes.html#action09]
[End of minutes]