Re: Proposal merging use case 2 (wikis) and use case 8 (educational metadata)

On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 15:18 +0200, Fabien Gandon wrote:
> Use case #2 - A wiki for learning: The Technical University of Marcilly 
> decided to use wikis to foster knowledge exchanges between lecturers and 
> students.

This is quite nice. Is it a real-world case-study or
a hypothetical use case? It sounds quite real, but I can't
find any Technical University of Marcilly  in the web.
Still, quite good; it sounded quite real. ;-)

(Note that I edited the subject of this thread; "use case 8" is going
to make no sense to somebody looking thru the archives months
from now.)

> Therefore, from the technical stand point, TMU designed a wiki that 
> stores its pages directly in XHTML and RDF annotations are used to 
> represent the wiki structure and annotate the wikipages and the objects 
> it contains (images, uploaded files, etc.). The RDF structure allows 
> refactoring the wiki structure by editing the RDF annotations and the 
> RDFS schemas they are based on.

That sentence about refactoring is a bit obscure; a "For
example..." would perhaps help.

>  RDF annotations are embedded in the wiki 
> pages themselves using the RDFa and microformats. Some of the learning 
> objects can be saved in XML formats and an XSLT stylesheet exploits the 
> styles used for the session to tag the different parts (e.g. definition, 
> exercise, example) and these annotation can then be used to generate new 
> views on this resource (e.g. list of definition, hypertext support for 
> practical sessions, etc.).
> The embedded RDF is extracted using a GRDDL XSLT stylesheets available 
> online to provide semantic annotations directly to the application that 
> needs to extract the embedded metadata:
> - if someone sends a wiki page to someone else the annotations follow it 
> and can be processed by applications of the recipient;
> - if another application crawls (e.g. the crawler of a search engine) 
> the wiki site it can extract the metadata and reuse them just by 
> applying the same GRDDL transformation;

Those two bullets point out an interesting technical requirement that
GRDDL meets.

> - if a new community of practice of TMU (e.g. the accountants) wants a 
> dedicated index of its working document, it can be embedding the 
> corresponding SPARQL query in a wikipage: the search engine fed with the 
> GRDDL results solves this query and the result is rendered by an XSLT 
> stylesheet and embedded in the page;

This write-up actually describes several use cases; that's one.

> - if the wiki engine is to be changed, the migration transformations can 
> exploit the embedded metadata;

That's another use case. (Not that we need to give it a separate
section in the document or anything)
I'm not sure that's clear enough on its own. Please either elaborate
with another sentence or two... perhaps a "For example..." or maybe
leave it out.

> - if a division wants to setup access rules to some documents, they can 
> be based on these metadata merged with others (e.g. only lecturer can 
> access document tagged as "tests").

That's another interesting case. That one is quite clear.

> - if some users are interested in being informed on any new information 
> on a topic (e.g. chemists want to be informed on any new norm for the 
> environment) they can use notification systems monitoring the wiki by 
> querying its metadata (e.g. recurrent SPARQL queries on pages tagged 
> with "environment")

And that case is pretty clear too.

> - etc.
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 18 August 2006 13:45:41 UTC