XML_GRDDL - a PHP implementation

Hey all,
Just thought I'd mention http://code.google.com/p/xmlgrddl/ ; a PHP5
GRDDL implementation I'm working on.

It will *hopefully* end up in PEAR -

It's far from perfect at the moment, but getting there.

The SVN copy I've got produces faithful renderings of the Localized
Tests (*), Namespace Documents and Absolute Locations (**), and I'm
about to start on Library Tests then Ambiguous Infosets,
Representations, and Traversals.

* Except 'RDF/XML document'
** Except 'A copy of the hcard profile', 'An XML document with two
namespace transformations', & 'A variant of the hcard profile'

PHP 5 - windows: get a copy from snaps.php.net of 5.2.6; you need the
best available libxml/libxslt
XSL extension

Sample usage:
See http://code.google.com/p/xmlgrddl/source/browse/trunk/docs/danc-hcal.php

Received on Sunday, 2 March 2008 01:49:13 UTC