DX12 Do's and Don'ts

NVIDIA recently published an article "DX12 Do's and Don'ts" which is an
interesting read. There are many, many details that should be managed
correctly in order to achieve a performant DX12 application.


Some points made include:

 - Expect to write a separate render path for each IHV minimum, because the
app has to replace the driver's reasoning about how to efficiently drive
the hardware.

 - Compile pipeline state objects on background threads, because that's
where shader compilation happens.

 - Record command buffers on multiple threads in order to achieve best

 - Avoid changing the root signature unnecessarily as doing so is costly

And many more.

Any thoughts on this article and how WebGPU abstracts away any of its


Received on Monday, 6 May 2019 18:04:03 UTC