Sincere thanks everyone

The publication of the BP doc last week and the 3 Recs this week are a 
huge achievement for the group. When people say "oh W3C should write a 
standard about X" few realise quite how much work is involved by how 
many people.

So, sincerely, thank you to everyone, especially those who have remained 
active throughout the WG's lifetime right to the end.

I've written a short blog post [1] (edited from yesterday's anno about 
the 3 Recs) which highlights a few names and therefore runs the risk of 
upsetting those who aren't named specifically but I hope you'll forgive 
me for that and agree with the sentiment.

Bernadette - my post is not intended to be a wrap up of the group - 
that, surely, is your prerogative :-)

Again, thanks and congratulations to all.




Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 17 January 2014 12:13:32 UTC