Open Data Stack Exchange

The new Open Data Stack Exchange is now public. See quoted message below. In particular, I think people on this working group can help answer:

> The new Open Data Stack Exchange site is now open to the public!
> After just 13 days in private beta, we've already got 334 users who have asked 107 questions and written 253 answers. We're off to a good start, and it's time to unleash this baby on the public and see if it flies. (Sorry; mixed metaphor.)
> Tell all your friends, blog about it, tweet about it, and write the URL ( in chalk on the sidewalk in front of your neighbor's house. Or paint. No, never mind, better use chalk.
> Most importantly, go to the site now and start earning reputation and badges! We'll see you there! Right now!
> <-- that is the URL again
> <-- it has not changed in the last 10 microseconds
> All the best,
> The Stack Exchange Team

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 01:51:01 UTC