Re: DCAT Last Call issues: range of dct:language

On 25 Mar 2013, at 16:03, "Makx Dekkers" <> wrote:
> Property dct:language (, is defined with range rdfs:Resource, while at, the range is defined as dct:LinguisticSystem. Shouldn’t DCAT inherit the (narrower) range as defined by DCMI?

If we specify the range that way, Then people will get scared because the LoC URIs whose use we recommend are not typed as dct:LinguisticSystem. Lots of RDF users don't understand that classes may be overlapping, and that rdfs:range is descriptive rather than prescriptive.

Given that rdfs:Resource is pretty much the set of everything, the statement that dct:language has range rdfs:Resource is trivially correct.

IMHO it would be better to drop the rdfs:Resource range, and leave only the LoC recommendation in the range box, than saying that the range is dct:LinguisticSystem.


> Makx.
> Makx Dekkers
> +34 639 26 11 46

Received on Monday, 25 March 2013 18:01:54 UTC