Community Directory Open Actions

Linked Data Directory is at
"Convene a meeting on armchair usability for community directory" / "Community Directory Usability improvements"

We can at least close one of these, given that they are both about general usability improvements. Issues I've found:

1. Is anything linking to this prominently from the main W3C site?
2. I can't add an organization without logging in. That is a major barrier to participation. Is this out of a fear of spam?
3. It's not clear how to get back to the home page (I need to click "Main Article"). Can we add a "Home" link above "About" in the sidebar?
4. I'd put the "This site was created and is supported by..." at the end, just above the Callimachus content, maybe under a line rule to make it clear that it's footer content.
5. Move the "At this time a username & password is required..." content to the "add your organization" step, to put this contextual information where it matters.
6. Can we make the email address a real link? I'm sure that email address appears in full form somewhere on the web. You will be stuck with spam no matter what.
7. Instead of listing steps, I'd list actions, e.g.

Header "Add your organization to the directory"
Paragraph content "Fill in [this form](link). At this time a username ..." 

Header "Add a product, service, or project to your organization"
Paragraph content "Click the "Edit" tab ..."

Header "Add a deployment to your organization"
Paragraph content "Click on the "Add deployment" link..." and also describe what a deployment is, since that's not clear.

Move the "Download all the data in this directory" content out of the footer and create a new action header/paragraph pair as above.

With the above edits, the directory would be fantastic!
"Leeuwen to investigate how Good Relations etc could assist with automatically filling up the directory"

I think we can close this. It's a year old, I don't see it getting done, and it's not a requirement.


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 17:25:06 UTC