Open ORG issues

Looking through the open issues, it seems to me that we can close them all (except possibly one) easily.
"Align treatment of registered addresses between Org and RegOrg"

This is probably the biggest open issue. Can we just remove the range on org:siteAddress, given that there are no really good address ontologies that fulfill all requirements/use cases?
"Off list comment from Dan Brickley on Last call document. The ORG vocabulary itself states that org:Organization is owl:equivalentClass foaf:Organization but this isn't reflected in the HTML description."

This should be an easy edit.
"Should org:Organization be sub-class of foaf:Agent (consider birthday property as a test case) ... foaf:Agent has properties birthday, gender, ... are these meaningful to org:Organization and org:Post?"

Per earlier mailing list discussion, we can trust implementers not to give organizations genders... We aren't going to "fix" other vocabularies like FOAF, and there are advantages to linking to FOAF. I think the pros outweigh the cons.
"There is currently a comment in informative text mentioning reportsTo as acyclic that should be removed or clarified. This would be a minor change, not affecting semantics."

Easy edit?
"Should org:Post be a sub class of org:Organzation"

This has been described in earlier mailing list messages as a requirement that fulfills a use case that came up in the original development of ORG by Epimorphics. If Post doesn't subclass Organization, we'd need to find an alternative to fulfill the use case. The only alternative I can think of is to not have Post subclass anything.
"Following discussions with Joćo Paulo it might be appropriate to state the domain and range of org:reportsTo as being foaf:Agent as opposed to unionOf(foaf:Agent, org:Post) and add clarifying text pointing out that someone can reportTo an org:Post. This is not a change in semantics, just a clarification."

Easy edit? org:Post is a foaf:Agent after all.

In terms of evidence for ORG, if everything goes to plan, Open North, Participatory Politics Foundation, mySociety and Sunlight Foundation will use ORG terms in their software projects. has the current working draft of the schema we will all be adopting. is a Ruby on Rails engine that implements that schema.


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 15:57:44 UTC