Re: namespace documents -- vocabspec 0.0.2

On 09/12/13 06:33, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> Okay, the code I've been working on to generate HTML namespace documents
> is starting to come together.    At this point, many of the 'bugs' I see
> in it turn out to be bugs in the underlying turtle schema documents
> (like missing translations or language tags).
> See, for example:
> dcat has a lot more languages to turn on and off.
> I don't have multiple languages for the program texts yet, and the
> overall feel doesn't switch to rtl when the interface language is set to
> Arabic as it should.   Also, there's (shockingly!) no way for code in
> the browser to find out the user's language preferences without asking
> some server.   I'll deal with that later.
> I'm very interesting in feedback.    Very soon I'd like to deploy this
> for GLD's documents, but also for rdf:, rdfs:, and owl:.    I think
> there may need to be considerable iteration between this code and the
> schema document contents, to make something really useful.

Org example looks good.

Needs to handle the unionOf declarations which currently come out as bNodes.

I see it reveals a typo in the declaration of org:unitOf! Now fixed.

Suggest that when there's a rdfs:seeAlso link (e.g. to the spec in this 
case) then display that at the top level without having to open the 
"Show all properties" box.


Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 21:27:57 UTC