AW: W3C GLD WG meeting Thursday 04-Apr-2013 - Agenda - QB UCR


Thanks, Hadley, for sending the agenda.

Regarding agenda item: Data Cube UCR - Benedikt Kaempgen; see Data Cube UCR Timetable [4]

Unfortunately, I probably cannot make it to the call. Therefore, here the status:

* The Editor's Draft for the Data Cube Use Case Document [1] is updated from feedback received since Feb 23 2012.
* The document reflects the current status of the QB vocabulary. It should not raise new requirements but rather motivate and document the work on the QB-issues in the tracker.
* I have checked the document with Pubrules [2] and there are only few issues left where I do not have enough experience to know what exactly to do. I might need help with pubrules.
* Dave plans to draft an initial version of a section on "ISSUE-32   Relationship to ISO19156 - Observations & Measurements?" for me to include at an appropriate point in the UC Note.
* Dave kindly also volunteered to review the document. 

I hope that helps.



[1] <>
[2] <>
[4] <>

Von: Hadley Beeman - LinkedGov []&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;Hadley Beeman []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. April 2013 18:56
An: W3C public GLD WG WG
Betreff: W3C GLD WG meeting Thursday 04-Apr-2013 - Agenda

Hi all,

We have our usual 60 minute GLD-WG telecon on Thursday 21-Mar-2013 15:00-16:00 UTC (10:00-11:00 Boston, 7:00-8:00 San Francisco, 15:00-16:00 London, 16:00-17:00 Paris).

** Note that if you are outside the USA, the changing of the clocks to Daylight Savings Time has returned our meeting to its usual time. **

Full details for call in info and the agenda is published here [1].  Highlights are below.

Looking forward to speaking Thursday!



Main agenda (copied from the Wiki):

1.  Seek consensus to transition ADMS to working group note - Phil Archer
2.  Volume of incoming comments for Last Call docs, which close next week. Can we get more? See Public-GLD-comments mailing list [2]
                • ORG
                • Data Cube
                • DCAT
3.  Status check for working group notes (to be presented to the group 2 May): Everything on track? Do you need reviewers/help from the group?
                • DCAT UCR - Fadi Maali; see DCAT UCR Timetable [3]
                • Data Cube UCR - Benedikt Kaempgen; see Data Cube UCR Timetable [4]
                • RegORG - Phil Archer; see REGORG Timetable [5]
4.  Remaining issues: Tracker review
                • Open items, see
                • Raised items,


1.  2013 GLD WG F2F Thurs-Friday 11-12 April 2012 in Dublin.
To be coincident with the European Data Forum Tues-Wed April 9-10, 2013. The EDF series is a joint activity of the EC FP7 projects BIG, LOD2, and PlanetData and is supported by the European Commission. See


Hadley Beeman
W3C Government Linked Data Working Group

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2013 07:17:04 UTC