Re: Some errata,

Hi Kārlis,

Thank you for spotting these issues...

On 22/01/2014 12:23, Kārlis Čerāns wrote:
> 1. It seems that there might be a problem with the axiom
> subPropertyOf(org:holds org:memberOf)
> since the range of org:holds is org:Post and the range of org:memberOf
> is org:Organization
> (in effect, only those posts can be held that are also organizations).
> The same problem is reflected also by the axiom subPropertyOf(org:heldBy
> org:hasMember).

Agreed that is an errata with the document. It is a hang over from a 
previous draft in which Posts were treated as Organizations. When that 
was removed those subProperyOf axioms should have been removed from the 
document and the ontology.

I'm sorry this wasn't spotted earlier!

Since the Working Group has now finished I'm not sure what the W3C 
process is for tracking and eventually correctly this errata.

> 2. There are apparently incorrect specifications
>      rdfs:domain foaf:Agent;
>      rdfs:range  foaf:Agent;
> for org:reportsTo in the referred namespace
> (the correct domain and range specifications are given there, as well):
>      rdfs:domain [a owl:Class; owl:unionOf (foaf:Agent org:Post)];
>      rdfs:range  [a owl:Class; owl:unionOf (foaf:Agent org:Post)];

That looks like a merge error in updating the ontology file. The unionOf 
is correct, correctly given in the specification and included in the 
ontology. I'm pretty sure the old domain/range axioms were deleted at 
one point, I wonder how they reappeared?

This merge error can simply be corrected in the ontology file with no 
impact on the specification. I will fix this when I'm back on a machine 
with suitable access.


Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 14:57:32 UTC