[ORG] Implementation report from the University of Oxford

[A variant of this message has already been sent to Dave off-list, but
here's a copy he can link to for the record]

Hi Dave et al,

We're using the ORG ontology for the University of Oxford's IT Services
internal org chart and the University's OxPoints dataset.

The frontend to our orgchart is a pure JS web app doing SPARQL against
an OAuth2-protected endpoint. It's in GitHub at
<https://github.com/ox-it/orgchart>. Unfortunately the data are not
public, but if you want I should be able to generate an anonymised
version which I could send your way.

Of particular note is
<https://github.com/ox-it/orgchart/blob/master/index.html>, which has a
few SPARQL queries in it, and which should show you which bits of the
ontology we're using.

We are using org:Role to represent job titles, and org:roleProperty to
differentiate between roles that are management and those that are not.

We're also using org:basedAt to record the link between a org:Post and a
geo:SpatialThing — I realise that the spec says the domain should be
foaf:Person, but some of our people have multiple posts based in
different buildings. Likewise, we're using org:reportsTo between
org:Posts, not people.

OxPoints (our organisational/spatial dataset) is using
org:has[Primary]Site. We're using v:adr on places directly, instead of
org:siteAddress pointing at a v:VCard.

I *thought* we were using org:OrganizationalCollaboration for
admissionsℹ (http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/admissions_i/), so I guess
that that counts as planned usage for now. There are also a few other
things like collaborative research centres that could be modelled this way.

It would be nice if we used org:ChangeEvent et al, but I think we'd need
a class for "defunct organization" so we didn't confuse tools looking
for organizations.

Sub-properties of org:linkedTo would also come in handy for modelling
the relationship between the University and its constituent colleges,
spin-outs, Recognised Independent Centres, and Ripon College Cuddesdon
(which isn't a college or hall of the University, but which has degrees
validated by it). I just haven't got this far yet.

If at some point the University decides to expose its list of student
clubs and societies, org:purpose would be a good fit for the bit on the
club registration form called "Aims or purpose of Club".

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


On 04/11/13 15:21, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> The W3C GLD working group is discussing the status of the Organization
> Ontology [1] which is currently a Candidate Recommendation.
> While there is evidence of usage [2] we cannot yet meet the CR exit
> criteria for all the terms in the ontology. The group will need to
> decide within the next two weeks what to do about this (options
> include alternative publication tracks).
> If you have, or are planning, a use of the ORG ontology and have not
> yet reported it to the working group then please could you do so over
> the next two weeks letting us know at least which terms you have used.
> If you plan a report but cannot make that timescale then please
> contact us.
> Dave
> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/
> [2] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/ORG_Implementations

Alexander Dutton
Linked Open Data Architect, Office of the CIO; data.ox.ac.uk, OxPoints
IT Services, University of Oxford

Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 22:29:18 UTC