Re: DCAT & Provenance

Hello Jeni and Paul,

Thanks for your feedback regarding representing provenance in DCAT.

DCAT properties were based on a survey of existing government catalogs. At the time of the survey, catalogs didn't include provenance description.
I totally agree that including a provenance description is very valuable. However, in the favour of keeping DCAT minimal and focused, I suggest that 
instead of adding properties from PROV to the DCAT spec, a link to PROV-O ontology is added as currently implemented in the draft (Catalog record section):

I hope that is sufficient.

Fadi Maali
PhD student @ DERI
Irish Research Council Embark Scholarship holder

On 3 Apr 2013, at 19:25, Paul Groth <> wrote:

> Hi Jeni
> +1 for this. From the PROV perspective we are actual ok with both. In our mapping to from dublin core to PROV dct:provenance maps to prov:has_provenance.
> It would be nice to encourage people to use PROV in the DCAT document though for describing provenance.
> Thanks
> Paul
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Looking through DCAT, I notice that there's no property that is recommended for indicating the provenance of a Distribution or CatalogRecord.
> Would it be appropriate to include prov:has_provenance as a property of dcat:Distribution and dcat:CatalogRecord, to point to a provenance record? Or dct:provenance to fit in with the other properties.
> (I guess one source of my question is that I'm not sure what the rationale is in deciding whether a property is included in DCAT or not.)
> Cheers,
> Jeni
> --
> Jeni Tennison, Technical Director
> +44 (0) 7974 420 482                @JeniT
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Paul Groth (
> Assistant Professor
> - Web & Media Group | Department of Computer Science
> - The Network Institute
> VU University Amsterdam

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 11:14:03 UTC