Re: [Data Cubes] Why this kind of Data Structure Definition

Thanks, Dave,

SDMX compliance is not required in my use case, but I see the point.
The Environment domain is listed but not yet supported by SDMX, and SDMX
is not known in this domain.

I would express as much as possible in RDFS/OWL, even if this is redundant.
I do not see any necessary need to know SDMX if you have a data cube, so
I would make any SDMX compliance optional for simple cases - which
somehow leeds back to SCOVO.

Am 15.08.2012 11:00, schrieb Dave Reynolds:
>> RDF can describe ordered lists,
> Yes and the initial design used that but it proved problematic.
> At one point it was proposed that the DSD should be a list of
> ComponentProperties so that the ordering was clear.
> The problem with that query of RDF lists is tricky (though the advent
> of SPARQL 1.1 has alleviated that somewhat).  This was especially
> annoying because the majority of cubes don't specify an order so
> complicating access in the general case to cater for minority cases
> was distasteful.

I have drafted some non-ordered solution which allows multiple different
UoM for multiple measures  on the dataset level.

myDef:dataset a qb:Dataset ;
      [myCubes:property myDef:year; myCubes:uom x:years],
      [myCubes:property myDef:age; myCubes:uom x:years],
      [myCubes:property myDef:hatSize; myCubes:uom x:cm],
      [myCubes:property myDef:moneyInPocket; myCubes:uom x:euro];

myDef:MixedObservation rdfs:subClassOf myCubes:Observation
   rdfs:domain :myDef:region, myDef:year , myDef:age, myDef:hatSize .

Then proceed like in Data Cubes or Scovo.
:o1 a myDef:MixedObservation ;
    myCubes:dataset myDef:dataset ;
    myDef:region x:spain ;
    myDef:year 2011 ;
    myDef:age 50 ;
    myDef:hatSize 52 ;
    myDef:moneyInPocket 0.01 .

I guess this again is not SDMX compliant.
Basically I propose some very few extensions (prefixed with  myCubes:)

myCubes:UomOfProperty a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:domain myCubes:property ;
    rdfs:domain myCubes:uom .

myCubes:property rdfs:range qb:ComponentProperty .
myCubes:uom rdfs:range qudt:Unit . # may be SDMX as well, this doesn't
matter here

qb:Dataset rdfs:domain myCubes:hasUoM .
myCubes:hasUoM rdfs:range myCubes:UomOfProperty .


Thomas Bandholtz
Principal Consultant

innoQ Deutschland GmbH
Krischerstr. 100, 
D-40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany
+49 178 4049387 (German) (English)

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 09:41:53 UTC