Fwd: [TC-Announce] Call for Geosemantics presentations at Washington TC


This could be interesting for members of the geosemweb or locadd 
community groups.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[TC-Announce] Call for Geosemantics presentations at 
Washington TC
Date: 	Wed, 15 Jan 2014 09:18:46 -0500
From: 	Joshua Lieberman <jlieberman@tumblingwalls.com>
To: 	tc-announce@lists.opengeospatial.org

The co-chairs of the OGC Geosemantics Domain Working Group are issuing a call for presentations on any geosemantics topics, including

	Geospatial vocabularies and ontologies
	Semantic mediation in discovery or service matching
	Knowledge domain models and modeling
	Geospatial reasoning and inference
	Geosemantic tools and technologies, particularly involving GeoSPARQL.
	Models, project experiences, and discussions concerning linked open geospatial data

It would be particularly interesting to discuss experiences with linked geospatial data and API's given the proximity of both VoCamp and W3C events on the subject to this TC.

Please respond promptly if you would like to participate, so that we may correctly judge the length of time to set aside for a session at the upcoming TC.



Josh Lieberman
Interoperability Architect -><-
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Received on Thursday, 16 January 2014 09:20:01 UTC