Fifth AR Standards Community Meeting March 19-20 in Austin, TX


I'd like to make folks on this mailing list aware of the AR Standards 
community portal.  It's not a standards body. 
This grassroots, informal community keeps information flowing between 
artists, designers, developers, makers of AR tools, and the standards 
development organizations (SDO). We have mailing lists in addition to 
this portal and we conduct in person meetings about 3x per year.

The next International AR Standards Community in person meeting will 
take place March 19 and 20, 2012 in Austin, TX. This meeting is being 
sponsored by Khronos Group and sponsored/hosted 
by the OGC

Participation is open. Set up an account and register to participate in 
the March 2012 meeting on the OGC eCommerce web site

Position papers to the community are highly valuable for our dialog. If 
you have some suggestions or topics you would like the community to 
discuss, please write and submit it to us according to guidelines 
(deadline for abstracts is February 6, 2012).

These position papers and the status updates of six international SDOs 
will form the basis of the meeting's agenda and discussions.

Additional information about the meeting goals and steps to 
register/prepare are found on this page:

Thanks for your attention and we hope to see many of you there!


Spime Wrangler
mobile +41 79 436 6869
VoIP +1 (617) 848-8159
Skype Christine_Perey

Received on Monday, 23 January 2012 21:38:48 UTC