Access to wifi-towers

Hey guys,

I've just read the Geolocation Level 2 Spec and I have one
wish/suggestion for future versions of the spec:

Wouldn't it be great to provide a way to query all the surrounding
wifi towers to work with it?

When I use Geolocation in Firefox and monitor my outgoing traffic,
there's an interesting post request sent to posting the following JSON object:


For the use of Geolocation indoors it'd be really great to be able to
access the wifi_towers property so I can try to determine my position
inside the building with the help of the signal strength of the
surrounding wifi towers.

I could imagine an interface that looks like

Maybe you have already discussed that in the past, I couldn't find it
in the public archives but maybe it's actually a new idea. Anyway, I'd
be pleased if this suggestions finds its way to one of the future
Gelocation specs one day.


Manuel Bieh

Received on Monday, 6 June 2011 10:04:16 UTC