Re: Geolocation privacy implementation

On 7/6/10 11:38 AM, Angel Machín wrote:
>> Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> So, off the top of my head, my wish list would be for consistency in:
>> 1. Indicator (icon) - as we have consistency with the padlock
>> ...
> Regarding icons or any kind of visual indicators, I found some months
> ago a Mozilla community called Drumbeat Privacy Icons, which goal is
> "to develop a series of graphical and machine- readable privacy icons
> that companies can use to convey important elements of their privacy
> policy to users and that developers can build applications on top of
> to enable users to make choices based on the disclosures in the
> policies."

Yep, but those focus on the visualization of privacy policies of service 
providers. Not sure if browser indicators are in scope.


Marcos Caceres
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2010 10:28:16 UTC