Re: PositionOptions

Marcin Hanclik:
> "The enableHighAccuracy, timeout and maximumAge attributes are all
> optional: when creating a PositionOptions object, the developer
> may specify any of these attributes." Since the PositionOptions
> has [NoInterfaceObject] extended attribute, it will not be
> instantiated/created in ES.
> So "when creating a PositionOptions object..." seems not to fit here.
> I would remove that part as follows:
> "The enableHighAccuracy, timeout and maximumAge attributes are all
> optional: the developer may specify any of these attributes."

Indeed, if the intention is to allow code like:

  navigator.getCurrentPosition(a, b, { enableHighAccuracy: true,
                                       timeout: 5 });

then you’ll need to use [Callback] on the interface.

The section on how native objects are considered to implement

currently has wording on how a user agent invokes operations on such a
native object, but doesn’t say anything about getting/setting
attributes.  That should be added, and will probably say that the value
returned from fetching the property will be converted to an IDL value 
using the rules in

which would mean false for the boolean attribute and 0 for the long
attributes.  If you specifically need to know whether a given ECMAScript
property exists on the native object, then that’s something currently
outside the realms of Web IDL.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 07:21:04 UTC