Re: Drop lastPosition from Geolocation?

Hi Doug,

I like the modifiedSince option, but I do have a question. Right now,
lastPosition allows you to quickly fallback to some default action if
lastPositon is null or too old.

In the async solution, the only way to achieve the same thing is by
both specifying modifiedSince and setting timeout to 0, right? This
would force the UA to immediately invoke the errorCallback (with error
TIMEOUT or POSITION_UNAVAILABLE?) in case it does not have a fresh
enough cached position. What happens if the page does not have
permission? I think the errorCallback should be immediately invoked
with error PERMISSION_ERR, right?


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Doug Turner <> wrote:
> Greg, are you happy with the modifiedSince option?
> Aaron, any further objection?

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 17:44:03 UTC