Re: Draft Charter

On Jun 23, 2008, at 2:09 PM, Chris Wilson wrote:

> Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
>> I have heard unofficially that someone made a private complaint to  
>> the
>> W3C team about geolocation being covered in the Web Apps WG charter,
>> and for this reason it was removed from the charter and a new group
>> was created. If there are any good reasons that justify this decision
>> made without any visibility or accountability, then by all means let
>> them be stated.
> As I've heard several people imply that the "someone" involved was  
> Microsoft, I want to reiterate and elaborate on what I said in  
> response to the Web Apps charter (via Michael Champion):  I wanted  
> the charter to be more explicit about what goals the WG would have  
> for a geolocation API, to understand the scope of such work even  
> better.

I did not mean to imply that "someone" was Microsoft. I've been  
specifically told it wasn't, and I have now seen member-only  
information indicating who it was. For those with access to W3C Member- 
restricted areas:


Received on Monday, 23 June 2008 21:32:24 UTC