Re: HTML for games wish list

>> Our use cases are not related to module handling. We have sims/games
>> where the user/player can enter her own code for expressions and
>> functions at run time.
> Ok, but you see the security/privacy issue there right?

As far as I can see, there is only an issue (viz. code injection) if the 
eval'uation of user input is done on the server-side.

Why should there be a security/privacy problem created by user input 
when the entered code is executed on the user's own computer/environment?

Of course, eval may have been abused a lot by bad JS programmers for 
things for which it's not really needed.
But there are also some use cases where it is needed, and it would be a 
pitty if this powerful feature would be dropped from JS (which would 
decrease its dynamic character).


Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 19:29:12 UTC