from April 2018 by subject

[fxtf-drafts] [compositing] Apply alpha of source in non-premultiplied compositing

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking-1] Remove requirement to support 'clip' property

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking-1] stroke-bounding-box and non-scaling-stroke

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking-1] Update initial value of mask-position and mask-repeat to match implem…

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking-1][filter-effects] Update definitions to take into account that `<use>` element is no longer a graphics element in SVG 2

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Change initial value of mask-repeat and mask-position

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Define "raw geometry" for `<clipPath>` clipping

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] definition of mask-type ignores mask-mode

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] How does masking apply to table parts?

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] mask-origin and mask-clip should not have a margin-box value

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Proposal: make CSS clip and clip-path respect the containing block hierarcy

[fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] spec is unclear about how to handle no-clip parsing in shorthand

[fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects-1] What is the visual effect of filter() on the document element?

[fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects] new bounding boxes as filterUnits

[fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects] Should implementations preserve color values of transparent pixels for filter primitive results?

[fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects][css-masking][fill-stroke] clarify userSpaceOnUse / objectBoundingBox applied to non-SVG elements

[fxtf-drafts] [filters] Backdrop filters should not use BackgroundImage

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry-2]

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] " If x and y should both be zero, the angle is s..."

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] "When a user agent is asked to clone an DOMPoint..."

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] Difficulties with DOMMatrixReadOnly.is2D and other users of it

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] DOMMatrix/DOMMatrix could use more methods and helpers.

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] DOMPoint constructor with DOMPointInit argument

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] DOMRect could be clearer about the sign of contained zeroes

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] DOMRect: use of unrestricted doubles - min(x, NaN)

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] invoking fromPoint() static method on DOMPoint

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] JSON serialization of a DOMRectList

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] Matrix method inverse() doesn't suggest an inverse algorithm

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] return DOMPoint or DOMPointReadOnly accordingly, from matrixTransform method?

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] Specify stringifier for DOMRectList

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] Use of SameValueZero in "validate and fixup" doesn't make sense

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] WebGL API considerations

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] What is the w (perspective) value for?

[fxtf-drafts] [geometry] Why does DOMQuad have readonly mutable points?

[fxtf-drafts] Canvas 2D integration needs to be better

[fxtf-drafts] Compositing needs to link to latest Canvas spec

[fxtf-drafts] filter should be defined to establish a containing block for fixed and absolutely positioned elements

[fxtf-drafts] Investigate removing [LegacyArrayClass] from DOMRectList

[fxtf-drafts] Publish DOMMatrix interface as Note

[fxtf-drafts] Pull Request: [geometry-1] Remove LegacyArrayClass from DOMRectList. #280

[fxtf-drafts] Pull Request: [geometry] Add a missing "must"

[fxtf-drafts] Pull Request: Add update that filter of the root element applies after viewport clip and scroll

[fxtf-drafts] Update WebIDL definition(s) to use new mixin syntax

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [compositing] Inconsistent use of '*' as multiply symbol

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking-1] Clarify how mask-mode & mask-composite behave with layered mask images

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking-1][filter-effects] Update definitions to take into account that `<use>` element is no longer a graphics element in SVG 2

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Change initial value of mask-repeat and mask-position

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Definition of `mask-clip` not compatible with SVG masks

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] definition of mask-type ignores mask-mode

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Example 15's illustration image is wrong

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] mask-origin and mask-clip should not have a margin-box value

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] Proposal: make CSS clip and clip-path respect the containing block hierarcy

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [css-masking] spec is unclear about how to handle no-clip parsing in shorthand

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects] Allow intermediate negative colour values

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects] filter not specified as presentation attribute

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects][css-masking] Should x, y, width, height on mask/filter elements map to SVG geometry properties?

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [geometry] "When a user agent is asked to clone an DOMPoint..."

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [geometry] Difficulties with DOMMatrixReadOnly.is2D and other users of it

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [geometry] invoking fromPoint() static method on DOMPoint

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] [geometry] JSON serialization of a DOMRectList

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] Investigate removing [LegacyArrayClass] from DOMRectList

Closed: [fxtf-drafts] Publish DOMMatrix interface as Note

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2018 23:34:54 UTC