[web-animations] Web Animations minutes, 24 July 2014

Web Animations minutes, 24 July 2014

Present: Doug, Shane, Brian
Archived etherpad: 


1. Orphaned players
2. Promises again
3. Shipping more of phase 1
4. Bikeshed
5. Do you need a timeline?


We initially decided that we needed to orphan players [that is, not 
return forwards-filling players from getAnimationPlayers] because 
defaulting to forwards fill meant an author could gradually accumulate 
hundreds of players that couldn't be removed, without even realizing 
they were doing so.

The default fill is 'none' now, which means that most players will stop 
contributing once they reach the end of their active region. The 
original reason we had for some kind of orphaning mechanism doesn't seem 
to exist any more.

Should we just change the definition of getAnimationPlayers to return 
filling players too?

I'm a bit worried about the use case of playing and forgetting about 
forward-filling animations. It makes that a little bit more awkward. 
People will need to know that they need to clean up animations, or 
they'll leak memory.

Discussion points:
* Having getAnimationPlayers always return all "in effect" animations is 
attractive in its simplicity, it's easy to understand
* Authors understand that adding lots of DOM elements etc. take up 
resources but animations are somehow different. Authors may assume that 
when animations finish and are masked by other animations that they no 
longer consume resources.
* Groups have a default fill mode of "both" so currently if you were 
trigger a group animation over and over again we'd hit the same issue. 
Perhaps we could redefine "is current" so a group that fills forwards 
isn't current if none of its children are filling?
* What about another kind of fill mode that fills until something else 
affects all the properties affected by that animation?
* Why don't we just allow implementations to drop such animations 
arbitrarily when we reach some implementation-defined limit?

I  think this is a lesser issue than what the other suggested approaches 
have needed to introduce: either a complexification of the entire API, 
or behaviour dependent on whether a JS handle is maintained or not.

 > Make getAnimationPlayers() return all "in effect" animation players 
and add an issue about the memory pressure this may produce.


We should synchronize with whatever img.onload are doing.

 > Shane to follow up

* Some discussion of whether getCurrentTiming should actually be a 
dictionary attribute. This isn't allowed by WebIDL yet but it seems 
likely to be added in the future. Shane to follow-up on the Chrome side 
to see if this is feasible there.


We're thinking of targetting m39 (this goes to stable mid-November) for 
shipping more of the player API, but wanted to discuss this in the spec 
meeting with plenty of lead time :)

Brian: Obviously need to make sure the spec has stabilized in this area 
first, but sounds good in principle.

 > We also had a discussion of getCurrentPlayers and CSS integration. 
Brian provided a link to some early tests: 
It seems like there's still a lot of CSS Animation specification 
instability which is making it hard to decide what some of this 
behaviour should be.


Coming along nicely.


Is it valid to have an AnimationPlayer without a timeline? And if so, 
can you just set the currentTime and so, effectively create a 
script-driven timeline?

Next meeting, Thurs 14 Aug 2014 07:00 UTC
   Local time: 

Past meetings: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/fx/wiki/Web_Animations/Meetings

Received on Friday, 25 July 2014 00:04:47 UTC