Re: viewport units in SVG

Hello Tab,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 4:25:31 PM, you wrote:

> There's one case in CSS where that's not strictly true: if you use
> viewport units are used inside of an iframe'd document, they're
> relative to the size of the iframe, as that's the "size of the screen"
> as far as the CSS inside of the iframe document can tell.

That seems fine.

>  (It applies
> to MQs too, etc.)  This means that a *linked* SVG, via <iframe> or
> <img> or the like, would use the linking element's dimensions to
> define its viewport units, but an inline SVG would use the outer
> document.  This seems fine to me.


Furthermore, HTML (or whatever)styled with CSS box model, inside SVG
foreignObject, would use the size of the foreignObject viewport to
define its viewport units (like the iframe case)  and also as the size
of its outermost containing block.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 15:19:52 UTC