Re: fill and stroke properties with CSS <image> values

Following up on this: I just wanted to point out that Tav added some 
wording to allow multiple <paint> values ~6 months ago (which we agreed 
to).  How should we reconcile this with your proposal that uses only a 
single bg layer (without an <attachment>, as we agreed to this week)? 
Although <bg-layer> and <final-bg-layer> are defined so that you can 
only put a <color> at the end of the list, Tav's changes do allow 
multiple <color>s.

By the way, I would be quite happy to change the way ICC colour 
fallbacks are done.  Perhaps the fallback can be within the icc-color() 
function rather than outside.  Chris do you have any opinion on this?

Regarding "fill: url(image.png) red", like Erik I wonder really if 
anybody uses that and whether we can remove the fallback.

Received on Sunday, 2 February 2014 00:25:04 UTC