Re: [filters] Shading language recommendation

On Aug 22, 2012, at 7:08 AM, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:

> [Dirk Schulze:]
>> I'll add an issue to the specification and mention your concern with the
>> link to this thread. Do you think that this concern blocks publishing
>> FPWD? Are you ok with publishing The WD when it explicitly mentions your
>> concern?
> I would like to resolve this before FPWD.

I'd like to return to the questions put forth in previous posts:

1) Is your objection technical or something else?

2) If your objection is based on the issue of "my platform does not support GLSL", what about ANGLE and the fact that WebGL (which is the basis for the shading language specified) is designed to be implemented on Direct3D, and in fact there are currently multiple such implementations available?

3) If the spec were written with no recommended shading language, wouldn't that inhibit widespread adoption? How would we deal with that?

I think we need to understand these issues before proceeding.

~Chris Marrin

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 14:39:35 UTC