Re: [css3-transforms] Relation between mathematical description and effect of a transformation

Dirk Schulze:
> A bug report [1] on W3C also points out that we should be more clear and
> adapt more from SVG 1.1[2] as well as SVG Transform [3]. And I agree.

Then, if the draft is still in such an early stage, why to publish this 
already as a public working draft?
If it is not known yet, how the intended effects can be realised or how
to specify it, it seems to be toooo early for such a public draft - and even
in a public editor draft it should be mentioned, that essential parts
are missing and have to be added, before for example the 3D transforms
are understandable for the public ;o)
I tried and tried to find out, how to simulate this behaviour for some
quantitative tests - but no chance with this text. Of course, because
current test implementations either ignore 3D completely or in major 
interesting parts like the projection matrix - there is not much to test 
yet ;o)


PS: Not only the mailing list to be addressed is changed, the hint, that
the SVG group contributes to these efforts is removed as well ;o)

Received on Saturday, 21 April 2012 15:09:58 UTC