Re: status of work

Hi Liam,

> I'm starting (finally) to look into the XForms Working Group in more
> detail; I'm really sorry it's taken so long.

It's great to have someone on the team taking an interest :-)

> It seems we have a Working Group that actually meets, at least
> occasionally, and that somewhere there is a draft of XForms 2.

We meet nearly every week. We have a draft of XForms 2.0 that we think is  
more or less ready to go to last call, with a few more edits to go. We  
have two mostly-complete implementations already.

> I'm working on renewing charters for all the XML Working Groups right
> now, and have the opportunity to include XForms in the XML Activity.


> To do that, I need to figure out,
> (1) who is chairing the work now?

Yours truly.

> (2) what deliverables are planned, and to what schedule?

XForms 2.0 is the deliverable (split over two specs, XForms proper, and  
the expression language.)

> How about,
>     July 2015 - XForms 2.0 Last Call
>     Sept 2015 - XForms 2.0 enters CR
>     Nov  2015 - leave CR, process comments
>     Jan 2016 - Proposed Rec
>     Apr 2016 - Recommendation

We have a call today; I will discuss this with the members.

> Any ideas welcome. Steven did send me some mail a while ago with
> answers to other questions I'd asked - at that time (October) W3C
> management agreed to extend the Forms charter as-is until we
> rechartered XML, and include it in XML, but the extension din't happen
> in the end. So I'm doing it now.
> Thanks!

Thanks to you.

Best wishes,

> Liam

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:22:47 UTC