W3C Forms teleconference August 24, 2011

* Present

Leigh Klotz, Xerox (chair, minutes)
Erik Bruchez, Orbeon/Inventive Designers
Nick van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers
Alain Couthuries, AgenceXML
Philip Fennell, Mark Logic
Kurt Cagle, XMLToday

* Agenda


* SF Bay Area FtF/Editorial Meeting Planning

* Transform Module

http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2011Aug/0019.html http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/The_XForms_Transform_Module

Philip Fennell: Based on the previous discussion where I put forth the idea that a transformation was very similar to a submission in the things you might need to define, I took as a template the description for the submission module and came up with something that attempted to do the same sort of things for the transformation. You need to define the URI of the transformation and the instance you want to transform and where you want the transform results to go, plus some additional attributse such as additional mode and template name (for XSLT 2).
Philip Fennell: Does this cover a valuable set of scenarios for transformations in XForms? If it does, then once we have a way of defining a transformation, how do we go about invoking that transform? There was some discussion about function vs action. I don't really mind either way, though I was originally in favor of action. The function examples are very nice and stylish and I find them quite compelling in their own way.
Leigh Klotz: Is there a reason we have to choose?
Philip Fennell: We should do one before the other. I had problems with setting up the transformation through the function and I thought you needed the flexibility of an action. If the transformation is described separately, then it can still be be concise in the invocation and we don't need the action.
Nick van: You don't need the target in the function; the function returns the result of the transformation.
Philip Fennell: If you define a target in the definition, that would be overridden in the function.
Leigh Klotz: We shouldn't have XPath functions with side effects so it would be overridden 100% of the time.
Philip Fennell: That's true.
Nick van: If we have an action then the target could be on the action. There are use cases where you want the same transformation targeted in two places. So we'd want to override the ref or bind for the input as well. On the other hand, a couple of years ago we were talking about making the XForms syntax more lightweight and overriding the submission attributes in the action. Maybe this is something we could do there; you could define it in the model and override in the action or function. It's harder in the function; how would the implementation know when to recompute the dependencies?
Nick van: Another thing on the transformation element: we need parameters. Most transformation languages have external parameters.
Leigh Klotz: I thought this proposal had that.
Philip Fennell: It's there -- the param element.
Nick van: I missed it. I was only looking at the top of the page.
Leigh Klotz: Are the params nodesets or strings?
Nick van: In XSLT you can have a nodeset.
Philip Fennell: In XSLT 2, with types.
Nick van: I'm not sure if it's supported. ...
Kurt Cagle: [joins]
Kurt Cagle: I'd push for nodesets, or sequences, for XSLT 2.
Leigh Klotz: It's for a generic transform, even XProc.
Kurt Cagle: I see.
Leigh Klotz: I'd say how about nodesets and let the transform module documentation say what it wants to do about converting, first-node rule or whatever.
Nick van: Yes, it should say how to convert to string if it needs a strong.
Philip Fennell: I will update the page.

Philip Fennell: Another thing about defining the transform: does that have to be an external file reference or could it be something retrieved from another instance in the form.
Leigh Klotz: I thought you meant #foo but I see you mean in the instance as we well.
Philip Fennell: I got the impression that we were at cross purposes. When I referred to using fragment identifiers, I was imagining resolving them within the XForm rather than the host document. #foo would resolve to an instance, not the HTML page. That might lead to some ambiguity.
Leigh Klotz: Others have used # to refer to schemas in the host document.
Nick van: We've had URI with # pointing to the normalized document, not the live instance.
Leigh Klotz: Philip is talking about a URI scheme that would point to instance data.
Philip Fennell: Is there a way to use the fragment identifier to refer to an instance in the model? Then we wouldn't have to concoct some way of addressing stylesheets with more than one attribute.
Nick van: We typically plug in a custom URI scheme. For example, we define "xforms:" so that "xforms://instanceid" to get live instance data. That might be hard for some implementations to support a custom schemes.
Leigh Klotz: Where do you use that URI now?
Nick van: Not in XForms, but in other applications that access custom XSLT data or other areas with our own custom resolver.
Philip Fennell: Apache Coccoon has coccoon: and resource: that resolve in their own ways. That's where I got the idea from.
Nick van: It's used in other areas, too. To communicate back from HTML application to native side.
Kurt Cagle: The string that references XSLT is XPath to a model (live), an internal pointer (# to a resource in the page), or an external resource URL.
Nick van: Wouldn't the other way be more logical: if it's a #id then it's internal so "xforms:xyz//" gives you an XPath to an instance.
Kurt Cagle: I'd go with the other route as it's more familiar. Look at what the scheme SVG uses, for internal references to entities.
Leigh Klotz: What scheme?
Kurt Cagle: It uses a url function.
Leigh Klotz: We already have instance/@src so we don't need a new XPath function to retrieve an unnamed instance.
Kurt Cagle: I see no problem.
Leigh Klotz: Then it would always be in an instance.
Nick van: If you care to know when it's changed.
Leigh Klotz: Then maybe we need two attributes, src or resource and ref.
Philip Fennell: ref is used for the input of the transform.
Nick van: That should be in the function argument instead as that makes the dependency engine work better. It's more powerful to provide as a parameter of the function as you can do logic in the context of where you are executing the transformation, for example a local node that changes if you are in a repeat.
Kurt Cagle: So are we assuming the transform can be modified via XForms system?
Nick van: If it is in an instance. I'm not a big fan of that. But there are some people who want that.
Leigh Klotz: We might not get everybody to implement @ref because of the difficulty, but everybody should be able to do @src or @resource with external URI or #id uri, and some implementations can use. And we'll leave @ref unused in case we want to have it live transform instances in the future.
Erik Bruchez: OK. I'd recommend a resource child element as well.
Philip Fennell: It's in the spec.
Nick van: If you put resource child element in the transformation, the context is where the transformation element is defined, not where it is invoked. So in a repeat, it's the same resource.
Leigh Klotz: Do we have a way to pass in parameters that depend on the evaluation context?
Nick van: I think the parameters are defined at the element. The actual values are in the function.
Leigh Klotz: You could then define an XSLT transform that does whatever you want based on the parameters. I think we should avoid putting in logic to decide what transform to use, when the transform will already have logic.
Nick van: I see.
Kurt Cagle: I would be loathe to keep the transform as a static. I think there are enough use cases.
Leigh Klotz: Nick's point is the invocation of the function isn't where the context for the resource evaluation comes from.
Kurt Cagle: The function itself isn't an issue. There was a mission of attributes. If you have a resource attribute on the action or transform element, that should be dynamic.
Leigh Klotz: It's the static evaluation context of the model. And as Erik would say if we had AVT we wouldn't need the resource child.
Erik Bruchez: Yes.
Kurt Cagle: Sounds good.
Philip Fennell: I'm making notes and will update the wiki.

ACTION-1815 Philip Fennell to update The XForms Transform Module with results of discussion about transform @resource and resource URI.

Philip Fennell: Another issue is xsl:message/@terminate="yes" generating an xforms-transform-error ecvent.
Nick van: What is the target of the event? We say you can't have two of the same submission running at the same time. But we don't have that.
Leigh Klotz: Maybe it should be a compute exception from the function.
Philip Fennell: The example I put in showed put up a message.
Leigh Klotz: I have a proposal for using uniqifiers for submissions in progress.
Nick van: The error should be dispatch to where you invoked the transformation.
Leigh Klotz: If you have it in a bind/@calculate, where does the error happen?
Nick van: In the bind. But if it's in the UI you would have it there.
Kurt Cagle: That gets into fairly significant debugging.
Leigh Klotz: You mean output/@value.
Nick van: If you had an error you could say "your name couldn't be retrieved" and it could display there.
Kurt Cagle: I'd be wary; that information depends on the transformation engine.
Nick van: If the transformation fails or the URI can't be resolved, somewhere an error should happen.
Kurt Cagle: Is there any benefit for a transformation-load an transformation-load-error or are those just resource-load and resource-load-error. An error in the XSLT would reflect the engine's error messages and would dependent on the engine. A timeout or URL resolution would be load error.
Leigh Klotz: Philip brought this up with xsl:message/@terminate="yes" where the author is trying to communicate to us.
Nick van: I think they are adding try/catch fallback so if the function throws the error then you can do something.
Leigh Klotz: That's why I said a compute exception but you can't tell from another exception.
Nick van: There could be context information.
Philip Fennell: I have no-data, validation-error, parse-error, and resource-error. Sounds like we need to add transformation-error which could include message/@terminate="yes".
Leigh Klotz: Or termination error. If it's possible to tell the transformation was terminated by request.
Philip Fennell: You can distinguish in the XSLT engines I've used.
Leigh Klotz: If the engine doesn't offer a way for the author to do that then you'll never get one.
Nick van: If we send the error where you define the transformation it's ok because there's no information from the invocation, but you can now pass parameters.
Leigh Klotz: How about we define the default handler on the the transform element catches the exception and turns into a compute exception on the function, but if you catch it and cancel it then it doesn't.
Nick van: There might be trouble running event handlers inside the XPath computation.
Leigh Klotz: We should ask John Boyer. He will have an opinion on this.

Kurt Cagle: How about transform-load event? Some are big. You're bypassing the instance-load infrastructure.
Philip Fennell: instance/@src doesn't give you events either. You don't get the ability to trap events on loading of resources. You trap it only if you get it indirectly through an instance.
Leigh Klotz: You're modelling transform on submission so you might as well put the event in. I think it's likely that the indirect instance transform source won't make it in to implementations because of the dynamism.
Philip Fennell: I see.
Leigh Klotz: You might want to write that up for the meeting and we'll discuss it there.

* Meeting Ends