Re: Naming the forms/attribute technology [was Re: Discussion points for "Forms-A"]

Hi Charlie,

> Well, we're the Forms WG and I had thought it was kind of a nice parallelism
> that we have two specs which derive from the "Forms" name -- one is the
> XML-centric version (XForms) and the other is the Attribute-centric version
> (Forms-A).

Fair enough...I see that, now. :)

> I'm happy to go either way in terms of the hyphens etc but keeping this
> focused on variations on the term "Forms" seems kind of nice...Charlie

I think the hyphen thing is pretty important. A search for Forms-A in
Google is much the same as a search for "Forms A". I'm hearing phrases
like "encouraging adoption", so it would be quite nice to not make
this any more difficult than it needs to be. ;)



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Monday, 27 October 2008 16:52:28 UTC