Re: Integration test between XBRL and XForms


> But the UI of the result is not very satisfactory and I don’t see  
> there is too much control over it in the XForms spec.
> I would like to find a way to generate more decent look and feel or  
> I should fall back to keep using old XHTML forms.

I think that any XForms implementation allows you to style controls. I  
wouldn't think that this should be a blocker.

There is a non-normative section in XForms about styling:

Not all implementations support these pseudo-classes, but those have  
other ways to do it (with actual CSS classes, for example). But the  
bottom line is that it shouldn't be harder to style things with XForms  
than it is with regular HTML forms.

On thing to note in your example: I notice that your <xforms:model>  
element is under the HTML <body>. The accepted practice is to put  
<xforms:model> within the HTML <head> element.


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

Received on Wednesday, 21 May 2008 17:57:20 UTC