Re: URGENT: Fw: [wbs] response to '2007 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs)'

Looks like the due date on this is now going to be extended to June 14...

Still, discussion appreciated.


John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM: Lotus Forms Architect and Researcher
Chair, W3C Forms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab


John Boyer/CanWest/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by:
05/22/2007 04:31 PM


URGENT: Fw: [wbs] response to '2007 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week 
Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs)'

My apologies for the late notice, forms team, but the requirement to fill 
in the questionnaire below slid past me during the web conference week. 

It should be quick to discuss on tomorrow's telecon, but the questionnaire 
does need to be discussed at that telecon because the due date for filling 
it in was actually May 21 (so I think I just barely squeaked under the 
wire in the early morning of the 22nd due to time zone differences).  I've 
asked for a bit more time in case there are any changes, but getting them 
in soon is obviously a good idea! 

This is just the questionnaire about when we will meet at the November 
tech plenary.  So I checked us off for the Thursday afternoon, Friday and 
Saturday (i.e. the latter part of the week) as has been our custom in the 
past.  This leaves the Monday/Tuesday slot for XHTML WG. 

I also made a guess about how many would attend the plenary and the AC 
meeting from the group, so please feel free to give me updated numbers on 

Perhaps the most important one to discuss is whether we want to request 
any meetings with any other groups, e.g. the HTML WG or other groups. 
Please get back to me with an email after the telecon to let me know what 
changes need to be made to the responses below, and also send email even 
if the result is that no changes are needed. 

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM: Lotus Forms Architect and Researcher
Chair, W3C Forms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab


----- Forwarded by John Boyer/CanWest/IBM on 05/22/2007 04:26 PM ----- (WBS Mailer on behalf of 
05/22/2007 04:25 PM 

Please respond to
John Boyer/CanWest/IBM@IBMCA

John Boyer/CanWest/IBM@IBMCA, 

[wbs] response to '2007 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for 
the Group Meetings (for Chairs)'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to '2007 Technical
Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs)'
(Chairs and Team Joint Group) for John Boyer.

Name of your group:
What is the name of your group? 

If your group would like to meeting during the Tech Plenary days please
indicate so below. 

Note: you should only fill-out this questionnaire once.  If you try to
answer it again for another group your first answers will be deleted. If
you want to give information for two groups note the name of the other
other group for which you are answering and if the information is the same
or different for both meetings in the comment box. Alternately, you can
have someone else from one of your groups answer the questionnaire.

[ Forms Working Group ] 
Reply here with a group name if not in the list: 

What is the estimated number of people in your group who will attend your
F2F meeting?

Please try to be as accurate as possible since space is limited and if
your group is smaller than you estimate you may prevent another group from
being able to attend and if your group is larger than you estimate your
meeting might be rather uncomfortable.

If your group will NOT be able to attend the meeting please write "will
not attend" in the comment field below.   The system is such that you will
have to answer the rest of the questions so please answer "0", "none" or
"no" as appropriate in the choices below.


Days preference: 

Please let us know your preference for a one or a two-day meeting. 

If your group would like to request an additional third day, please
indicate that in the comment field.  We will be able to determine whether
or not three day meetings are feasible only after making sure all groups
that want them have two days.

We will do our best to provide you with your preferred days but cannot
make any guarantees. 

[ Thursday 8 (afternoon)  Friday 9 (all day) and Saturday 10  (morning)
November  ] 
Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 

Is your group flexible about meeting days? (If you prefer Mon/Tues would
Thursday/Friday/Saturday be acceptable and vice versa?)

* ( ) Yes
* (x) No

Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
I am only saying no because there are membership overlaps between our
group and the XTHML2 group, so we typically book the latter part of the
week for the Forms WG and the XHTML2 group typically books the first part
of the week.

Joint meetings:
With which other W3C group(s) would your group like to meet? 

[ None ] 
Reply here with a group name if not in the list: 

Are there other groups with significant membership overlap with yours
which should NOT be scheduled on the same days? 

Note: we will do our best to avoid overlap, but we cannot guarantee it.

[ XHTML Working Group ] 
Reply here with a group name if not in the list: 

Will you allow observers at your meeting?

We ask that Chairs monitor the registration of their groups and observer

* (x) Yes --  non-Members with prior agreement from Group Chair
* ( ) Yes -- Members only
* ( ) No

Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 

Member Confidentiality:
Will your meeting be member confidential?

Note: if you indicated above that your group will allow observers, please
make sure the group and observer confidentiality levels match.

* ( ) Yes
* (x) No

Technical Plenary
How many of your group will attend the Tech Plenary day on Wednesday 7

Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 

Advisory Committee meeting
How many of your group will attend the AC meeting on the evening of
Tuesday 6 November and the morning of Thursday 8 November?

Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at until 2007-06-15.


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Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 14:56:23 UTC