Tweaks to FtF registration page

Hi Steven,

It looks like most of the template for the Forms WG questionnaire's have 
been changed, but there are still three adjustments that need to be made 
at the very top.

1 and 2) The <title> and <h1> need to be adjusted to say "Forms WG" not 
"XForms WG"

3) The first sentence of the page still talks about people being able to 
answer the questionnaire if they are part of the Joint HTML and XForms 
Working group, but the rest of the document is now directed solely at the 
Forms WG meeting.

These changes would affect your template as well as the current reg page 

Could you change these please? 

It would also help to set up future ftf questionnaires as "formsftf"...

Thank you,

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 19:40:25 UTC