Re: readonly on trigger, etc.

Hi Erik,

Thanks for the clarifications. :)

> Mmm... Maybe I read between the lines, maybe not. Here is the text I
> am referring to:
>    "When a group becomes non-relevant, it must receive event
>     xforms-disabled and then the XForms action handlers that are
>     listening for events on the non-relevant group must be
>     disabled. When a non-relevant group changes to being relevant, the
>     XForms action handlers that listen for events on the group must
>     become enabled and then the group must receive the event
>     xforms-enabled."

Phew...yes, that's the bit I read. My recollection is that this was
added so that a processor could choose to remove any controls that the
user could not interact with, and get the same behaviour as a
processor that didn't remove them. So I think all it's saying is that
all events are dispatched when the xf:group is relevant (to the group
and its children) but when it becomes non-relevant, the group and any
contained controls will not receive events. (Although thinking about
it, it's much easier to say that the group still receives all events,
and the children receive none.)

> It seems that this does not preclude an implementation to send other
> MIPs to the group. However, it is not very clear whether it MUST send
> other MIP events. Consider section "4.3.4 The xforms-refresh Event",
> which dictates how MIP events are dispatched:
>   "4. For each *form control* [...]" (emphasis mine)
> Is xforms:group an XForms control? Not according to the categorization
> of the table of contents! Which seems to indicate that the spec does
> not mandate that MIP events other than xforms-enabled/xforms-disabled
> be dispatched to xforms:group, bound or not. Nor does it explicitly
> preclude it, but that's guesswork then.

Yes, I agree we need to clarify this. I think we should just say that
anything in the UI that is 'bound' to the model is a control, and have
done with it. Otherwise, what happens to Open Office controls, for



  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 11:50:40 UTC