Question / comment about f2f resolution Resolution 2007-06-15.13


(Not sure if I can point to this resolution anywhere online yet.)

This regards this issue:

The resolution in the minutes says:

   "we accept with modifications; instead of the half-detached behavior
    we propose a parallel event context value listing parents of
    deleted nodes, with positional correspondence."

John hasn't yet propose the text, but I am wondering what "positional
correspondence" means.

Assume you delete three elements children of a same parent. If the
plan is for this context property to return a node-set, then I wanted
to point out that it can't contain duplicates as per XPath 1.0 [1]:

  "node-set (an unordered collection of nodes without duplicates)"

It can only return the parent node a single time, in which case there
would be no "positional correspondence".

(With XPath 2.0, you could return a sequence, which can contain

If what I am describing above is the way this property was imagined,
then another solution will have to be found.



Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 16:08:51 UTC