Re: (Partial) regrets from Charlie and me

Dear colleagues,

that sounds great. Please say hi to Mikko back from us. Let him know that
we miss him, and haven't forgotten what a wonderful job he did for XForms.

A written report would be very much appreciated for those us who won't
be attending the FtF (Dreamlab is e.g. is sending Ulrich Nicolas Lisse to
this FtF).

Thanks in advance, all the best & have a good time,

- Sebastian

Steven Pemberton schrieb:
> Charlie and I are both at the W3C Workshop on Declarative Models of 
> Distributed Web Applications in Dublin 
> ( Lots of good stuff about and 
> relating to XForms (and Mikko says hi). We will report back at the FtF.
> However, we won't be able to join the call, except by IRC.
> Steven

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 17:02:24 UTC