teleconference windows of opportunity


in order to reserve some bridge time to meet and talk before TPAC and 
to discuss anne's proposed charter, we need to finish exchanging 
windows of opportunity -- what follows is my schedule of "immovable 
conflicts", with the caveat that the only regularly scheduled "sighted 
assistant" time i have weekly is on tuesdays between 1200 and 1800 UCT 
(8am and 2pm local time)

monday:     1400 to 1530 - ARIA Subteam Meeting
monday:     1800 to 1900 - Open A11y WG Expert Handlers call
tuesday:    1800 to 1900 - Open Accessibility (A11y) WG telecon
wednesday:  1400 to 1500 - XHTML2 WG teleconference
wednesday:  1600 to 1700 - Protocols & Formats WG teleconference
thursday:   1700 to 1800 - User Agent WG/alternating with HTML WG
thursday:   2300 to 0000 - HTML WG alternate meeting
friday:     1600 to 1700 - DHTML Style Guide call (every other week)

and, just in case i can no longer do simple arithmetic in my head,
here's my teleconference schedule in local (new jersey) time:

monday:     10am to 11:30am - ARIA Subteam Meeting
monday:      2pm to 3pm - Open A11y WG Expert Handlers call
tuesday:     2pm to 3pm - Open Accessibility (A11y) WG telecon
wednesday:  10am to 11am - XHTML2 WG teleconference
wednesday:  12pm to 1pm - Protocols & Formats WG teleconference
thursday:    1pm to 2pm - User Agent WG/alternating with HTML WG
thursday:    7pm to 8pm - HTML WG alternate meeting
friday:     12pm to 1pm - DHTML Style Guide call (every other week)

You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of
focus.                                           -- Mark Twain
Gregory J. Rosmaita:
   Camera Obscura:
          Oedipus' Online Complex:


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 23:00:25 UTC