Re: Badly behaved captive portals

On 9/21/12 5:53 PM, "Andrew Betts" <> wrote:

>>>However, today we've been looking at the possibility that a captive
>>>portal simply returns a login page on the URL you requested rather
>>>than returning a redirect.  It wouldn't be good practice, but it would
>>>be technically feasible.  In that situation, potentially our user will
>>>get the captive portal page appearing in our app, and will have to -
>>>rather ironically - turn off their network connectivity in order to
>>>get the app to work.
>> Isn't this issue orthogonal to AppCache, and isn't the only mitigation
>> strategy to use SSL?
>No, I don't see it that way.  Captive portals are rarely incompetent
>enough to allow SSL traffic without login (otherwise we'd all be
>leeching free wifi), so they would likely just intercept it and return
>the login page anyway, despite the certificate errors that would
>result from that.  In addition, users typically don't start their
>session on SSL - I type, and Google redirects me to https.
>By then I've already hit the captive portal.

I was referring to the case where the user is already on
and XHR requests hit the portal instead of a redirect.

>Since an element of the design strategy behind the current appcache
>spec is intended specifically to cope with captive portals

My understanding is its not so much coping with captive portals as it is
avoiding malicious behavior.

>it seems
>sensible to ensure that we capture that use case when considering any
>possible improvement or replacement to appcache.  I think this covers
>- A user is in a hotel lobby and connects to the WiFi, not knowing if
>it is free or not.  They use a homescreen shortcut to launch a
>previously saved web app, hoping it will work.  But the hotel wifi is
>serving a captive portal login page in response to every request.
>Nevertheless, the user sees the app start and is able to use the
>offline features.

How can you possibly mitigate this without relying on https?


Received on Friday, 21 September 2012 16:47:14 UTC