Full Buddycloud Stack now hosted.

Buddycloud helps developers that want to use open standards and federated
designs to add messaging, activity streams, file sharing, likes/upvotes,
and push notifications to their apps.

We just released our hosting platform to make it easy to run your own
Buddycloud stack. The stack includes:

   - ATOM formatted activity streams
   - likes/upvotes
   - file sharing
   - fine grained privacy controls
   - push notifications for mobile clients
   - HTTP API, and JS library (
   - search
   - content recommendation (if you liked this, you might like these)
   - find your friends using the social graph from other social networks
   (Twitter and FB support so far)
   - full integration with the XMPP network
   - all code Apache 2.0 licensed

The hosting platform runs the entire Buddycloud stack. And all data can be
migrated to a self-hosted Buddycloud stack later on.

The Buddycloud approach is not about building a one-size-fits-all social
network. More about enabling developers to add federated social and
messaging features (that just happen to also be federated) by building
great tools that can then be integrated into existing apps. A "federation
through the back door" approach if you like.

I hope this is useful,

   - Code: https://github.com/buddycloud
   - Demo app: http://buddycloud.com/cooking-with-buddycloud-chat-app
   - hosting: http://buddycloud.com

And let's build great federated apps together!


Simon Tennant | buddycloud.com | +49 17 8545 0880 | office hours:

Received on Monday, 21 April 2014 13:43:47 UTC