Re: FSW Community Group now fourth largest

On 3 June 2013 09:46, Andreas Kuckartz <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> according to
> the Federated Social Web Community Group ordered by the number of
> members with 94 members is now the fourth largest of all 125 W3C
> Community or Business Groups.
> This certainly reflects the interest in the topic of our group. While it
> is not yet reflected in actual participation I think we are making very
> good progress now and should continue doing that.
> I would especially like to see additional members and participation from
> distributed audio- and video communication projects so that their views
> can be read and discussed here - and then become part of the Best
> Practices for the Open Social Web document.

That's great news!

I also work with the Read Write Web CG, which is the 8th biggest with 76

We also maintain a wiki list of social projects that use read / write web
standards (perhaps it's time to update that page)

I do see an overlap between the two efforts, so it would be great to work
together where possible :)

> Cheers,
> Andreas

Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 09:04:08 UTC