Re: Federation protocols

Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 1 June 2013 14:54, Miles Fidelman < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>         On 1 June 2013 03:49, Miles Fidelman
>         <
>         <>
>         <
>         <>>> wrote:
>             Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>                 We could indeed use SMTP for messaging and it has
>         advantages,
>                 but it would be nice to get the web up to be able to do
>                 something as simple as sending messages between two
>         parties
>                 after more than 20 years.  We're not there yet, and if
>         we can
>                 even achieve that small step it's a victory!
>             Umm, why?
>             Messaging is messaging.  The "web" is HTTP and hypertext -
>             client-server computing.  Two different things.
>             And, by the way, there've been server-based email systems
>         for at
>             least 60 years.
>         Try taking two users at random on the FSW on different
>         networks.  Then try sending a message from user 1 to user 2.
>          In many cases there's no standard way to do it.
>     Ummm.... SMTP, SMS?
> Sure what I mean is to translate that into the web.  ie that you have 
> a sender address and receiver address with a message body.  Major 
> communication systems, SMS, email, telphone, postal service all can do 
> this, but strangely the web (ie http) cant yet.  HTTP POST lets you 
> send to an address and a message body, but does NOT easily allow you 
> to see who the sender is.

Might I point out that it really damages your credibility if you don't 
actually understand what different protocols do, and the whole concept 
of layering.

HTTP POST does NOT allow you to send to an address - it allows you to do 
a transaction between a client and a server (a specific machine, or 
something that masquerades as a single machine).  Any messaging going on 
is layered on top of (or below) HTTP - as in posting an email message to 
a mail server via HTTP, instead of SMTP -- when you use webmail, all 
you're doing is layering a GUI on top of some messaging infrastructure.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

Received on Saturday, 1 June 2013 14:51:11 UTC