Re: Network identity / brand

On 7/7/12 3:21 PM, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 10:11 PM, Evan Prodromou <> wrote:
>> So, what would you say for having a home on the federated social web? "Do
>> you have a node?"
> Yeah, that's going somewhere i think.
> some random associations:
>   diaspora had confusion between 'seeds' and 'pods' when they launched.
> for 'node' i think more of the pod (server) than of the seed (account)
> i have heard people call URLs links. 'send me the link of your
> project' is quite common language actually.
> What's your facebook? is another funny one (actually this boils down
> to what's your last name and/or what string/avatar should i look for
> to find you)
> it depends a lot on whether we think the user@host format should be
> fundamental, or host/path/to/file should also be an option.
> i predict that "what's your web?" will be the (linguistically
> incorrect) winner. after all, it's about being on the web. not just on
> facebook, but on the web itself - your web, that is.
> this is exciting stuff to be thinking about

The endgame here is Personal Data Spaces (PDS) or Personal Data Lockers. 
Key attributes being:

1. Your WebID / NetID will be the entry point
2. Inherently federated without going through hosted intermediaries as 
we see today.

Email addresses nearly worked, but SMTP isn't the protocol for making 
federated personal data spaces happen. This time around we have 
verifiable digital identity and federation can blossom without the 
eternal scourge and challenges associated with scalability and spam.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Sunday, 8 July 2012 14:59:23 UTC