Re: Open Source XQuery apps?

On May 5, 2015, at 12:30 PM, Adam Retter <> wrote:

> I am looking for open source apps written in XQuery (not for
> eXist-db). Can anyone make any suggestions?
> The apps need to be modern or well used and should be of a
> sophisticated nature, e.g. not just a small utility. For example an
> IDE, or framework of some sort.

I believe REx is open source (but I have not taken the time
to check, sorry)

If by 'app' you mean 'application', I think it qualifies.  If by 'app' 
you mean 'application software written for a mobile device', 
then probably not.  And the sophistication lies in the grammatical 
analysis and translation into source languages, not in the UI. 
Still, it's one of my favorites, and it's written in XQuery.

Another is Andy Bunce's GraphXQ interactive user interface for
GraphViz (in standard .dot notation or in an XML version
of same), described at

but not, as far as I know, running as a site on the open web.

I believe some other things he's done may also fit your
current search, but GraphXQ is the one I installed on my own
machine to use.  (Again, not an 'app' in the sense of apps
for mobile devices -- although I haven't tried from a mobile
device, maybe its HTML UI is designed to adjust nicely to
small screens.)

In haste,


Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2015 16:10:17 UTC