AW: Added support for utcTime in TTFMS (ACTION-741)

Hi Taki,

Thank you for your work.

> For omitOptionsDocument parameter, I think we can use an existing parameter
> "org.w3c.exi.ttf.includeOptions" instead. We can consider omitOptionsDocument
> to be the logical negation of includeOptions.

After running first tests I am not sure whether this assumption is the case. Let me explain my concern.

We identify "Canonical EXI" test-runs by looking at

if("iot_c14n_encode".equals(driverParams.measure.toString())) {
/*Canonical EXI*


* the boolean parameter "includeOptions" is always set
  and by default false
* by default "omitOptionsDocument" is false also.

The issue, I think, is that the default behavior for EXI and Canonical EXI is the opposite.
The order to deal with "Canonical EXI" parameters is of importance. We need to agree that a driver needs to first check "iot_c14n_encode" which would by default set  "omitOptionsDocument" to false (or "includeOptions" to true). Then we need to check the actual "includeOptions"parameter and overwrite the previous assumption...

Do you see my concern?


-- Daniel

Received on Monday, 28 November 2016 15:33:35 UTC