Efficient representation for Web formats


As Taki recently discussed in [1] the focus of the EXI working group has changed a bit.

Besides the work on XML, the working group is also exploring the idea of applying EXI to other Web formats. The WG is making JSON exchange more efficient by applying EXI to JSON [2]. We are recently also exploring the idea of applying EXI to CSS [3] and JavaScript [4].

EXI is a general format that sends an efficient stream of events and can have noticeable, measurable savings in CPU, memory & bandwidth over formats such as minify and/or gzip that require the receiver to reconstitute the original JSON/CSS/JavaScript/... and parse it again.

We encourage you to take a look at our exploration of EXI for CSS [3] and EXI for JavaScript [4] and to provide feedback/comments.

Thank you,

Daniel (for the EXI WG)

[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-exi/2016Oct/0004.html
[2] EXI for JSON, https://www.w3.org/TR/exi-for-json/
[3] EXI for CSS, https://github.com/EXIficient/exificient-for-css
[4] EXI for JavaScript, https://github.com/EXIficient/exificient-for-javascript/

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 09:17:07 UTC